The Linux Page

Creating a Trigger in Drupal

I have been wondering, for a while, how the triggers where generated in Drupal. I know that one can catch a message by writing a hook function and you have hundreds of those available. However, how are the triggers working?!

The fact is that triggers require you to write a function. The Core Trigger module has a set of specialized functions for the Core modules and it is limited to that. In other words, you cannot expect new modules to simply define an array and get the triggers to work (I was really wondering how could that really work?!)

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Clean URL not working on my Drupal site?!

Today I finally solved a problem that was bothering me for a while. A Drupal site I installed for a friend of mine would not accept the Clean URL set. This is when the URL does not need to include the rather ugly ?q=<path>.

The more I was looking into it and the more it looked like the problem was coming from the Apache installation.

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SeaMonkey 2.0

I guess I liked Netscape just way too much... I used Mozilla after Netscape went down and bust, then I continued with SeaMonkey 1.x and now I just finished installing SeaMonkey 2.0.

There are features in this system that are just better than in FireFox. However, SeaMonkey 2.0 is a re-sync. with FireFox 3.x. In other words, this is very similar to FireFox, with the correct display features of the HTML code. But it keeps the menu, preferences and look in general of SeaMonkey. (although the fonts have changed... I'll have to get used to those!?)

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Okay... I came done

So, I was upset, it can happen right?! Now, if you would kindly go to this page:


and answer the few questions there, I'd really appreciate! 8-)

Fourth email, aren't you lucky! 8-)

We got (4,3), let's see whether it get saved properly...

So... Are you going to act now or what?!

No really, what's the problem with you??? Still wondering about this or what???

This is actually an email for the White Theme...

And I thought it was for the Drupal modules...

Oh well... Maybe I'll fix that later.

Ada Variables

Ada variables are complex objects. When developing a compiler, you must definitively take that in account. You have several sides to your variables: one you need to be able to handle dynamic variables since the compiler will have to be capable of doing all the operations on all the constant variables just as if you were executing your program and it has to handle all the tests necessary to ensure integrity.

So... we need a library that can handle integers, a library to handle floating points, a library to handle arrays, etc.


Today, I had to fix an installation of MySQL.

There were several problems, and I finally got it to work. Somehow, I had to run some commands manually to cleanly shutdown the cluster server and then re-run the configuration script with dpkg:

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