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A site for solving at least some of your technical problems...
This page has empty paragraphs at the top (before this line), at the bottom and in between each paragraphs. In a way, this is a weird module!
It use the MO Paragraph trimmer filter1, written in PHP for Drupal 6.x, to remove all of those empty paragraphs. Sadly, there isn't a good way for you to check the page source, but you can test by posting a comment (I think...)
The idea is that often people inadvertendly add empty lines (especially at the end) that should not be shown on the final page. Also, WYSIWYG editors will, as well, add empty paragraphs at the end of the page without you knowing!
If you use notes2, it will be doubly important to not have empty paragraphs at the end because otherwise the space between your last paragraph and your notes will vary greatly between pages. (At times, the editor added a new line each time I edited the page... so after 4 or 5 edits the footnotes would look a bit far from my content!)
This page should actually be a multi-page, heavy scrolling to reach the footnotes if I did not have the module running on it!
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