The Linux Page

Help other users realize that everything is possible, especially avoiding Windows for their own personal use.

Welcome to The Linux Page

Fox Trot by Bill Amend. Click to enlarge.
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This site is a collection of my own work with Linux. Certain things are easy, others take time to decipher and if I ever need to repeat the work (which usually happens!), then I need to remember everything by memory or... have a site with all the steps taken and to take again.

The following are my most recent posts:

Noticing that this is a rather old link, there is my own implementation of the EDLL in case you had not found it yet! 

This Enhanced DLLs page is the first I wrote before starting on the project for real.

This works great with MinGW and does not require to have all symbols defined in a tree like definition. (i.e. these DLLs can link back to the main executable, just like under Linux and many other Unices.)

Look at the SHGetSpecialFolderPath()1 function! You can actually use names such as "My Documents" and transform them a valid path as you would expect (i.e. C:\Settings & Stuff\username\My Docs\...).

And yes! If you have no clue about that function, that's not going to be easy to find it...

Note that there has been talks about creating such functions under Linux. There are some but so far I have not seen too many people using

  • 1. The SH stands for Shell. The explorer windows are considered shells under MS-Windows. Nothing to do with a real good Unix shell, of course.

cl.exe has a special option to be told that the input file is a C (/Tc) or a C++ (/Tp) file. This is necessary if you want to use an extension other than the default .c, .cxx and .cpp. For instance, many people use .cc or .c++ for C++ files. Just add the /Tp command line option and your file will be accepted as a C++ file no matter what the extension is.

Also, in your environment, you can change the editor and Open/Close feature to recognize these files. The Microsoft page available here:

explains how you can tweak the registry for VC6 ...

The other day, I wrote a module for Drupal. Up to here, no problem. What I wrote required a small amount of Javascript to make a dropdown menu feature work. That worked just fine under Mozilla and FireFox, and even Safari & Konqueror.

When I tried with Internet Explorer, nope. Not working at all.

The function I was using goes like this:

Lately, I have been working on a website that has to work on all mordern browsers (in 2007). And I have had problems with Internet Explorer and Safari. Safari is more annoying because there are less hints on the Internet, but the solutions are still quite easy to find (it's not like it's all broken or something.)

Now, I have had many problems with Internet Explorer, but this one is quite interesting. When you need to dynamically create an element, you need to do something like document.createElement('input');. That works great. Once your element is created, you probably need ...

Download a free copy of your C++ development environment! (Visual C++ v8.0)

Yes! Microsoft is doing the same thing as Linux: they offer their IDE for free with their fully compliant C/C++ compiler (as well as other bits if you are interested, I only want C++ on my end!)

At this time, the link is like this: ... (does not work anymore...)

It may require a bit of digging to get older versions but they should remain available. (but who wants the old stuff anyway?!)

I don't have links anymore and the one I had before doesn't work... it make still be available, but you'll have o

Somehow, each time I want to know the version of cl1 I just cannot remember the correct name for the macro to use. This is _MSC_VER. This is set to a large number such as 1300. This number represents the compile version. Not the version of the IDE that started later and seems to have been moving slower too. So, at time of writing, the current IDE is version 8.0, but the corresponding compiler is 1400.

Compiler Version IDE Version Year
1100 Visual C++ 5.0 ...
  • 1. In case you did not know, cl is the C/C++ compiler.

After about 2 hours of search, I finally got it. All the docs were telling me do this:

	var f = document.getElementById('myform');
	f.action = url;

And it did not work. I was getting an error. So thinking that this 'action' is an attribute I used f.setAttribute('action', url);. And that worked great with Sea Monkey, FireFox, etc. but one day we tried under Internet Explorer. That one was not working somehow. Reading some notes on the net, indeed, setAttribute('action', url)is no good under Internet Explorer. But f.action = url;generates an error?!

After ...

I have had a BIG problem with compiling zlib. Now I have my own normal file, but the most important part of that compile was for me to find out how on Earth can you generate the dynamic library (.dll and .dll.a files) instead of the static library (.a only file)?!

MS-Windows is extremely flexible. So one of the things you can do is delete your Start menu. It's a good way to prevent people from starting the "wrong" software. Now, without that menu and a few icons, what do you do?!

The Start -> Run menu is accessible using a Window key (held down) and the R key (W-R). This will open the Run window in which you can run all sorts of programs. It is a console reduce to its minimum! (Invented by Microsoft, thank you!)

Unfreeze your Mouse when it Froze

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