The Linux Page

Help other users realize that everything is possible, especially avoiding Windows for their own personal use.

Welcome to The Linux Page

Fox Trot by Bill Amend. Click to enlarge.
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This site is a collection of my own work with Linux. Certain things are easy, others take time to decipher and if I ever need to repeat the work (which usually happens!), then I need to remember everything by memory or... have a site with all the steps taken and to take again.

The following are my most recent posts:

I had Ubuntu 6.04 and there were many errors about Audio drivers and devices not working. I turned it off and that was it at the time.

Now that I have upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 (avoiding the bug in October Debug in regard to a huge error in generating an SSL key and all of that!), I thought I'd try again.

I use VLC so I tried to run with that. I could see the audio equalizer so I thought that it should be working and we should hear the audio... but nothing at all. And VLC would spit out an error about the pulse audio deamon not working properly:

VLC media player 0.8.6e Janus
[00000354] ...

Use at your own risk! These are links to other pages outside of this website:

I'm a Unix pro, but I still learn things every day! Today, this what I learned: ps -ef will not always show a user name. This is because the field is limited to 8 characters and if the name does not fit, the decimal number of the user is shown instead.

So ps does not show all users... and specifically that applies to hald and dbus-daemon. Beacuse the hald tool uses a small name but has a slightly different full name as haldaemon which is too long (9 characters.) And the dbus daemon tool uses the name dbusmessage (11 characters.)

That's it...

Well... I knew that a firewall could generate a few problems, but this one, I did not expect!

I just could not FTP anything from my FedoraCore box. I checked the source system firewall, tweaked all sorts of options in the vsftpd.conf file to no aval.

The error I was getting was this:

Error about a local certificate?!

The other day, I got a new certificate from I installed the certificate by replacing the files and simply restarting Apache. I then checked in Sea Monkey and it worked great. Checking the certificate it told me "valid for another 3 years."

A few days later I got an error from eFax saying that our certificate could not be verified. Weird... I tried with wget and got the error! Hmmm... I tried again with SeaMonkey, just fine. Then I tried with FireFox, error too! The error with wget is like this:

ERROR: Certificate verification ...

Copying an entire partition to another when both are not of the exact same size (in blocks) can be tricky, especially if that partition includes special files such as /dev/hda and FIFOs.1

Yet, there are several ways to do so:

cp can be used, but I find it tricky to make sure that it ...

  • 1. Note that was the case especially in the 90's. As of today, things have come a long way and there are command line options one can use with the cp and tar instructions to copy pretty much anything. You will still have problems with some files such as locks, though. But you should not have to copy them!

Since my last upgrade, I had many small things that went awry on my computer. From tsearch2 in a Postgres database to ownership of files to the following authentication problem:

root@mycomputer:~# su - www-data
su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info

Note that with su it ignores the fact. With cron it was not being ignored, so I'd get no work done!

How to install your system to be able to boot from any Operating System


Problems with booting... numerous emails & posts about this one, that's for sure!!! Real solutions? Not really... In many cases people end up reinstalling their system from Scratch and once in a while even that doesn't work! But smart people have a way to fix their boot sectors without too much hurdle (instead of the hours it takes to install an OS.)

Yes! There ought to be a reason for things not to work so well once in while. In most cases, if you only have proper ...

[vtoc title=Boot Sector; minlevel=1; maxlevel=4;]

Error 16

Today I got an error 16 with GRUB on one of my machines. This had happened before so I did not worry too much. It is just quite annoying.

Ubuntu CD

A Ubuntu boot CD has a cool feature one can use to rescue such a system (i.e. re-install GRUB properly.) More or less, boot the CD, select the rescue mode, let it do its things for a moment (after you select options like keyboard, etc.)

Well, first... what is RAID?

Loads of very detailed info are available on Wikipedia. Just in case, it means: Redundant Array of Independent Disks.

Unfreeze your Mouse when it Froze

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