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Advanced Topics about Drupal Development

Managing your own Drupal Download Site

The other day, I was thinking, it would be nice if I could find the way to manage my own download site so people who use my modules that I do not provide directly on would still show as expected (i.e. Green in the update window).

I found this page about it:

This is done by creating a service in your Drupal environment. You should use the ready made script named:


which you can find in the D6 version of the Drupal project named Project. Being very ...


I created this page to have a place to save my copy of IrfanView.

I have to say that the author has made his download so complicated (at least last time I tried it was deadly complex!) that I have to just keep my own copy somewhere. Maybe it's illegal, but the software is freeware anyway.

You can find the original (and most certainly more advanced version) on his website:

There other tools one can use to work on images as follow:

QuickBooks and the Invalid Date error!

In my work with MS-Access and QuickBooks, I'm slowly progressing toward incredebilitiousness (some Franglais as we say in French).

I was working on adding Items to the ItemInventory table. All you have to do is an INSERT or an UPDATE.

Cannot start X11 properly

My Story

I have had this problem for a while now.

On my server, I run X11 whenever I work with it. Otherwise, I quit X11 since it otherwises uses a lot of resources. This gives my users a much better experience (i.e. better browsing and a lot of it happen at night for me because I live in California and I have loads of hits from France, Algeria, Tunisia, Marocco, etc.)

So... my wife and I both have a Unix account and we both start our own version of X11.

Hers rarely get stuck, mine seems to get stuck once a week or once a month.

Often, it is because after she quits I have to wait for

Editing of a MS-Access table

Whenever you want the end user to edit a table, you create a form that shows a set of cells. These are defined in your form Details area. Up to here, nothing special about that.

The fact is you cannot easilly access rows individually. That is, the TextBox, ComboBox, etc. in each row is considered the same whatever the row. So if you change the background color of a TextBox, all the TextBoxes of that column will be highlighted, not just the current row.

Returning a value from a MS-Access Dialog

Whenever you open a dialog in MS-Access, you may need/want to get a result.

The MsgBox function is often enough and it can be used as a function. Unfortunately, when it isn't enough and you want to create your own modal dialog, you cannot call a function. The call is DoCmd.OpenForm and that's a sub-routine. No choice.

The idea is simple, we need to open the dialog, let the user interact in some ways, then return the value the user just entered and move on.

Calculate a Sum in MS-Access Datasheet: Focus and Recordset problems

Simple Sum

When you create a form in MS-Access and include a sub-form with a table in it, you may want to compute the sum of a field. This is done simply by creating a TextBox and writing the following in that box content:


Where "Column-name" is (obviously) the name of the column you want to sum up.

This is neat, but it breaks if the specified column has an unsupported type. Very strange, but for me it breaks with a currency column! That feels a bit weak to say the least. According to my testing and what I have found on the net, it should work with any ...

MS-Access and variables set to Nothing

In VB and MS-Access, whenever a variable referencing an object is set to Nothing, you cannot access any field since the variable does not actually point to a physical object.

This, code like this breaks:

	Dim r Is Object 
	r = Nothing 
	r.Field = 5  ' Breaks if r is still Nothing

Thus, you need to test whether the variable r is defined.

Invalid locale on Ubuntu

My compamy creates many software and some are translated. Up to here, nothing serious.

Now compiling can be a problem as older versions of msgfmt do not like the BOF character at the start of text files. It has to be clean UTF-8, but no BOF.

Anyway... Now I compiled and I need to test the results. So I need to run in French, Spanish, etc.

The normal way under Unix is to do this:

   LANG=es program-name options

Although the name of the language can be a bit more complicated such as es_ES.ISO-8859-1.

MS-Access constants

To define a constant in MS-Access, use the Const keyword as in:

Private Const varname = "Some value"

The value can be a string, integer, floating point. The variable can be made public in which case it is global among all modules and forms.

The value after the equal sign must be constant at time of compilation which is why it is limited to strings, integers and floating point values.