A site for solving at least some of your technical problems...
A site for solving at least some of your technical problems...
Today I was thinking I should restore my bookmarks in Firefox. It has been a few days since I was preparing to lose my boot drive and I did not lose it while running... but I still replaced it. It took me a whole weekend to get back to a somewhat normal system (unfortunate that it takes so long...)
So... I have Firefox running and I have an HTML file with all my links. I right click around the location where you enter URLs. That shows a small menu where I can choose to show my toolbar: Bookmarks Toolbar » Always Show.
Now I see a button to the left side which says Import bookmarks. I click on it and it opens a popup saying it can't find any other tools with bookmarks. Not what I wanted anyway... Then I click the button to Import from File. That gives me a choice between CSV or HTML. I choose HTML. I go to the location where my file is and load it...
Note: If you do not see that option, look for the Bookmark Manager, it's hidden somewhere in a menu and choose Import and Backup » Import Bookmarks from HTML. You'll end up in the same place.
At that point, I see nothing in my toolbar... Yet, the import process just told me that it worked successfully. What happened is that it was added to the Bookmarks Menu. I can now see a Bookmarks Toolbar under that title. That's where my loaded toolbar bookmarks were re-loaded.
So the next step was to actually click on each entry and move them to the Bookmarks Toolbar (this part is definitely confusing, there will be your old links under a sub-folder named Bookmarks Toolbar and a built-in Bookmarks Toolbar which represents the actual toolbar in the browser,) the one where items will actually appear on your toolbar.