The Linux Page

Network TCP port 7000 is being used by /usr/bin/keybase.

Train track echanger


Today I got an email from rkhunter telling me that port 7000 is now opened by /usr/bin/keybase that looked as follow:

Warning: Network TCP port 7000 is being used by /usr/bin/keybase. Possible rootkit: Possible rogue IRC bot
         Use the 'lsof -i' or 'netstat -an' command to check this.

If you are also running rkhunter, you certainly got the exact same message.


After close look up, I could see that was safe.

1) The process listening on port 7000 is indeed keybase, try the following command:

sudo netstat -a64np
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q ...

FileZilla receives a Timeout error when trying to connect to GoDaddy sFTP -- Error: Network error: Connection timed out

Train Wreck, meaning that the driver is now in timeout!

Today I had to work with a customer who decided to use GoDaddy to host their WordPress website. It's not a bad platform, they actually include quite a bit of integration between the WordPress installation on your server and your GoDaddy account. It gives you access to various functions and keeps track of necessary upgrades.

The account for the Hosting also includes information about sFTP. You can connect to your server using the SSH (Secure SHell) server and use that to send FTP commands to handle file transfers securely.

Your account may also have an FTP, I did not try. Just ...

Writing a Multi-choice Math Formula in LibreOffice Math

Black board with various math formulae

LibreOffice offers a Math editor which is very powerful and allows you to write complex Math Formulae. Unfortunately, it's not one to one compatible with LaTeX (in case you learned that Math Language) and so far I've not found pages that would explain all the different cases I often would like to use in my formulae.

Learn everything you need to know about LibreOffice Math
Get the book and learn everything that you need to know about LibreOffice Math. (Note: I'm an Amazon Affiliate.)

Indeed, a few things are not self explanatory (and even certain things have weird side effects, like using additional ...

Security Fix for Drupal 6 — CVE-2018-7600 — SA-CORE-2018-002

A meteorite flying in Earth atmosphere, ready to smash the ground and kill 95% of the animals on the entire planet.

As per the following page:

Drupal 6.x is also at risk from this issue. You can download Drupal 7 or 8 and compare and find out what is different between both versions.

The only difference between 7.57 and 7.58, which makes a difference, is a class used to remove any parameter that starts with a hash (#). Drupal defines arrays with keys. To distinguish between regular values and keys, Drupal uses words that start with a hash (#) for those keys.

Here are two lines of code that show that '#...' key usage:

$form['#pre_render'][] = ...

What is that "hjVerifyInstall" parameter appearing in my Analytics?

Row of jars with hot peppers in olive oil and delicious herbs.

As I have been looking around for various tools to help me determine what is happening whenever I have a reader on my blog, I found this tool which offers quite a few features for free which is called: HotJar.

One step in the process of using HotJar is to download a small JavaScript and add it to your website header. This script includes your website identification and allows for tracking your customers and see what they are doing on your website. Pretty nice to get a better idea of what's happening.

The hit with the "hjVerifyInstall" parameter happens whenever you click the ...

Setup static network on the Jetson TX2

My Jetson TX2 see from the top, the area with the heat sink and the fan is the actual Jetson card.
(click on image to see 4K version in new window)


I just received my Jetson TX2 so I had to test it!

First I needed to setup the network since by default it wants DHCP which I don't allow by default on my server.

Since it's running Ubuntu, I thought it would be dead easy, but I ran in two interesting settings I hadn't seen before.

Stop Eth0

When you are about to edit an interface, you probably want to first bring it down. If you forget to do this step first, you may have to reboot to get the status back to normal. So run this one:

sudo ifdown eth0

You ...

Various CSS reasons for text to disappear in your HTML page

Whenever you create a page, you at times notice that your text goes bye bye without telling you anything about the reason why it would do that.

The fact is that there are many reasons why this can happen. The following is here to remind me of the various possibilities that I've bumped into over time.

Text Color

The first one that got me many times is the color of the text. If that color is set to transparent or the same color as the background, then you won't see the text.

What I do to test that quickly is go to the block where the text is expected to appear and change the ...

Hacker looking to crack a WordPress Website?

As I was checking some logs, I found the laundry list of a robot checking out one of my websites: 54 hits. As we can see, it checks many paths, some of which it checked 2 or 3 times (the first number in my list is a count).

3 /apple-app-site-association
1 /cache/iph.php
1 /dbss.php
1 /ecss.php
1 /function-sync.php
1 /inlos.php
1 /sph.php
1 /tip.php
3 /.well-known/apple-app-site-association
3 /.well-known/assetlinks.json
1 /wp-content/plugins/another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/AWPCP.po
1 /wp-content/plugins/auto-attachments/a-a.css
1 ...

logrotate stuck? A true story about an improper documentation

Long Exposure Photograph Showing Start Rotation

Bad Documentation (if you ask me)

When you looks at the document of logrotate, the first page about the settings shows an example as follow:

/var/log/news/* {
    rotate 2
    olddir /var/log/news/old
        kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`

Making your think that it's okay to have an asterisk in this way, right? PLAINLY WRONG!

The logrotate utility actually has no heuristic to detect whether a file was already rotated or compressed so with an asterisk, it will discover all the files in a folder and ...

Wordpress Mail Subscribe List

Functional Subscribe Form

Today I installed a simple mailing list builder on my Becoming an Internet Affiliate website. So simple that it creates a widget on the sidebar and that's it. So it's not going to be super persuasive, but I like it that way for some of my websites.

The plugin is called Mail Subscribe List. It's a free plugin making it particularly attractive. And it keeps the names and emails in your database (no third parties involved.)

The plugin offers a Widget that you can install in your sidebar. Go to

Appearance » Widgets

and then select the Subscribe ...