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Wordpress Media Upload returns IO Error

I got a new word press website a couple days ago and got it installed in the last few days. There were 3 images missing so I started working on getting them in. When I got the first image, I went to Wordpress and I got an error... with no detailed explaination (maybe there is a log, but I don't know Wordpress that well to tell.)

The error message was just: IO Error

I was pretty sure that the problem was just that the folder where Wordpress tries to upload the new content was write protected from the Apache user. Under Ubuntu and Debian, the default name for that user is www-data and under RedHat it is httpd if I remember properly (or is it apache?).

So the problem was to find which folder needed to be tweaked. It's actually the top wp-content folder. cd in the top folder of Wordpress, and do something like this:

sudo chmod -R 775 wp-content
sudo chown -R www-data wp-content

The user name (www-data) should be changed to your Apache user, whatever it is (maybe you're not using the default name either.)

Try again after these two commands and the IO Error should go away.

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